Via Andrea Angiulli
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Probably from the beginning of the 19th century, coinciding with the birth of this cult of Bourbon origin, it is placed along the walls. Fresco by unknown artist in a niche with shells in certainly local stone. Medium sized discreet hand. Cleaned of dust and smog.
In via Andrea Angiulli, and more exactly near number 29, right at the crossroads between via Angiulli, via Oronzo Viterbo and via Eleonora Fonseca, about 3 meters above street level, is the aedicule containing the fresco of the 'Immaculate Conception, patroness of the Kingdom of Naples. It is probable that at the end of the eighteenth century that same aedicule was dedicated to Sant'Anello which, in fact, gave its name to the entire district. Sant'Agnello of Naples, or Aniello Abate, co-patron of the city of Naples, is a thaumaturge saint considered the protector of pregnant women who is celebrated on December 14th.

Project "Madonnas and street saints" Expenditure financed with the 2021 notice for the disbursement of contributions to pro loco tourist associations" - CUP B39J21013290002