Vico Don Giovanni Bosco
Classic example of a "homemade" votive aedicule. Just as in Roman houses the lares or altars were created to protect families, this aedicule placed on the entrance door is an example of blessing intercession. Carved into the stone wall, it contains a small image of the Madonna della Vetrana, protector of Castellana Grotte.
Even the newsstand in vico Don Giovanni Bosco is dedicated to the Madonna della Vetrana, patroness of Castellana. In ancient times the alley was better known as the "Vrazzùlo" which is an ancient toponym, dating back to the sixteenth century to say the least. In 1740, the “Vrazzùlo” was also known as the “Brazzuolo di mastro Stefano Baldassarro”.
Where is it and how to reach it
Project "Madonnas and street saints" Expenditure financed with the 2021 notice for the disbursement of contributions to pro loco tourist associations" - CUP B39J21013290002